Tuesday, July 9, 2019

How to save date using AS3.0 in Flash or Adobe Animate CC

 import flash.net.SharedObject;
 import flash.events.MouseEvent; 
import flash.events.Event;
///----Change labels of buttons increaseBtn.label = "Increase";
decreaseBtn.label = "Decrease"; 
clearBtn.label = "Clear"; 
exitBtn.label = "Exit"; 
 ////----Variable of shared object decliration
var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("Save"); 
///----Variable of score decliration
var score:int = 0; ///-----Variable to clear of "so.date.highScore"
 var clearScore:Boolean = false;

 ////----Click event listener
 addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler); ////-----Function of click event listener

function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent){ 
 ///---Switch statement process
case increaseBtn:///----In case of "increaseBtn" 
 ////----Declire if statement to store score as high score
///----When "score" is grather than "highScore" 
so.data.highScore = ""+ score;///----"so.data.highScore" will be "score" }

 case decreaseBtn:///----In case of "decreaseBtn"
     score--; ////----Declire if statement to store score as high score
     if(score>so.data.highScore){///----When "score" is grather than "highScore"
     so.data.highScore = ""+ score;///----"so.data.highScore" will be "score" }

case clearBtn:///----In case of "clearBtn"
 ///---Making "clearScore" boolean variable "true";
    clearScore = true; 

case exitBtn: 
 fscommand("quit");///----For close application (NB: It works only on .flv and .exe file, not on .fla)     break; 
/////---Enter frame event listener
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); 

function update(e:Event){ 

 ///----To show "score" on "outPut_txt" as "text"
 outPut_txt.text = ""+ score; ///----To show "so.data.highScore" on "highScore_txt" as "text"   highScore_txt.text = so.data.highScore; 
 if(clearScore){///----When "clearScore" boolean is "true"
 so.data.highScore = 0;///----"so.data.highScore" will be "0"
highScore_txt.text = ""+0;///----"highScore_txt" will be "0"
